Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm back...

It's that time of the year again, where I'm obliged to go visit the rest of my family on the soon cease to be independent island nation known as Taiwan. But enough of my political cynicism, this blog shall be about inevitable adventures I shall partake in while I'm in Taiwan.

First off, I was informed by my sister mere hours ago that, two days after my arrival in Taiwan, our whole family will be going on our first true family vacation in a decade. And where are we going? Guam... Don't get me wrong, the idea of spending a week in a sub tropical island in the middle of the pacific, surrounded by beautiful beaches/women, wild exotic animals and ancient Chamorro artifact would be fantastic if I didn't have to spend the entire time in close proximity to my dear mother.

Putting all the jokes aside though, I'm actually really looking forward to this. As Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States, the mixture of western and eastern culture shall be interesting to see.

Essentially, more exciting stuff to come. I'm sure as I'll have plenty of photos to upload, and plenty of stories about me failing epicly at one thing or another. Hold onto your seats ladies and gentlemen, the adventure has just begun.

Friday, November 21, 2008

My phone is being a mutant again...

Rawr!! For some bizzare reason, my phone now refuses to transfer the photos onto my computers again lol!!!! sigh, thank god there's only 3 more days before I'm on my way home lol, hopefully I can find some way of getting them off before I leave, otherwise, people will have to wait till then.
On a different note, if anyone has anything they would like me to pick up for them from duty free, now is the time to speak up :P First come first serve lol.
Can't wait to be home again :).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sping rolls :D

Here is the yummy spring roll I had for breakfast, it's not deep friend :D It contains egg, cabbage, carrots, small amount of chicken, peanut powder and a couple of other things i can't remember :D

Monday, November 17, 2008


Pork and bamboo shoots steam bun :D

Pork and spring onion steam bun. Dad fails at getting vegetarian food lol!

Ta da!!! Bubble tea with the sealy top thing... pity theres not really anything funny written on it.

bubble tea

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Golf.... Not very exciting lol

Yummy Desserts

Strawberry yoghurt topped with strawberry jam

Chocolate Mousse

Egg pudding with Lemon sauce on top

Some sort of yoghurty substance at the bottom, topped with boysenberries

An over view of all four desserts

Honey sponge cake

Cheese cake with a sponge base

Lemon and Egg tart

Sponge roll

Over view of the last four

Saturday, November 15, 2008